Earthism for the Oceans and Tides

Earthism for the Oceans and Tides
Gratitude Project
Earthism for the Oceans and Tides

Mar 29 2023 | 00:03:01

Episode 350 March 29, 2023 00:03:01

Show Notes

Did you know the world’s oceans provide us with 50% of all oxygen on the planet? That is just one of the vital roles the oceans play. Oceans are also a key component of the Earth’s ecosystem, and a rich source of biodiversity, food, and life. Let’s stop and thank all the beautiful oceans of the world for the key role they play in our lives.

Earthism for Oceans & Tides      

 I bless all the beautiful oceans on Planet Earth. I bless the importance of the ocean’s tides and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. I honor the rise and fall of the tides in their role in the natural world that can have a marked effect on maritime-related activities. I bless the wonder, splendor and mysteries of the ocean’s deep caverns and uncharted worlds. I bless the importance of the oceans as an essential component of the Earth’s ecosystem. I bless the waters of the ocean as a source of biodiversity, food, and life. I am honored to live on the same planet as the majestic ocean, the foundation of all life. I bless the ocean and the largely unexplored territories of the ocean. I bless the diverse plants and animals that live in the ocean. I thank all the creatures of the ocean who provide us sustenance and resources. I honor the ocean for providing us with 50% of our oxygen. I bless the ocean for its role in our weather and climate. I bless the oceans of the world for helping us lead happier, healthier lives and I am so grateful for everything you so lovingly provide.

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