Honoring the Voice of Your Sacred Self

Honoring the Voice of Your Sacred Self
Gratitude Project
Honoring the Voice of Your Sacred Self

Oct 22 2022 | 00:04:54

Episode 206 October 22, 2022 00:04:54

Show Notes

Contrary to what you may think, there are many paths to enlightenment. It is possible to touch the experience momentarily, by breathing or meditating, by sculpting, or  driving, or by simply walking mindfully. People often have difficulty describing the experience because it is so challenging to convey the extraordinary, transcendent love, peace, oneness, insight, and timelessness of the moment.


The Blessism for Honoring the Voice of Your Sacred Self is designed to help you do just that.


Even if the experience only lasts a few seconds, the power of it transforms you.

Whether this initiating experience happens spontaneously or in the midst of deep meditation, it is your signal that the eternal Spirit-Self hidden within you is beginning to make its presence known and you are on the path toward enlightenment 

As you bless your connection with your higher self and your sacred self You begin to honor the fact that you are always connected with Source.

Blessism for Honoring the Voice of Your Sacred Self

I bless and honor the sacred voice of my soul today. I honor my sacred self. I strive to live in full alignment with my sacred self and my spiritual integrity. I live with full awareness of the sacred self’s presence at all times. I am honored for this connection to the most sacred part of my being. What a blessing this relationship is. I bless my connection with my higher self and my sacred self. I honor the fact that I am always connected with Source. This connection is filled with love, compassion, and integrity and holds no judgment or fear. I honor that part of myself that is the purest form of light. I know when I am in harmony with myself and with my sacred being, my life unfolds with grace and ease. I bless this sacred connection and trust in my journey and the continual unfolding of my authentic self. May I have a desire to learn and grow and change every day. May I always see the world as a loving, inspirational place where I can continually evolve.

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