Learning to Let Go

Learning to Let Go
Gratitude Project
Learning to Let Go

Jan 31 2023 | 00:03:16

Episode 316 January 31, 2023 00:03:16

Show Notes

Do you have trouble letting go of things? We all do at one time or another. The Blessism for Letting Go is designed to help you give yourself permission to embrace difficulties and let go of what no longer serves you. It may seem like a simple thing, but it can be transformative. As you let go of old mindsets and patterns, you will welcome in new solutions and start seeing things in a new light. Blessisms also help you accept negative emotions and stress without judgment. Practicing this kind of mindful acceptance allows you to embrace and acknowledge where you are in the present moment helping you find the gratitude and joy in life’s darkest corners. 

Blessism for Letting Go           

I bless my ability to let things go that no longer serve me. I bless all the difficulties and struggles I have experienced over the years. Difficulties are often blessings in disguise. I am grateful for this powerful lesson in letting go. Today I Intend to be gentle and kind to myself. Today I choose peace. I give myself permission to embrace difficulties with grace and ease. I let go of all problems and welcome in new solutions as I learn to live in the moment and in the beauty of each magnificent day!

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