Living from the Heart

Living from the Heart
Gratitude Project
Living from the Heart

Jun 14 2022 | 00:04:18

Episode 131 June 14, 2022 00:04:18

Show Notes

Cultivate Some Gratitude with the Blessism for Living from the Heart & Align With Your Heart's Greatest Desires! What does it mean to live from the heart? Living from your heart means knowing who you truly are. It means living authentically, truthfully, and honestly. It is also about learning how to tune into and use your intuitive guidance and learning to cultivate and nurture your ability to listen closely to the wisdom and intuition of your inner voice. Expressing gratitude is also a wonderful way to re-connect with your heart. Gratitude keeps your heart open regardless of what else might come your way. When you spend time cultivating gratitude and cultivating mindfulness you can listen to the direction your own heart wants to take you.

As a result, your actions in the outer world will align with what feels right and has meaning for you. The more time you spend listening to your inner voice and innate wisdom, the more your heart will soften. The Blessism for Living from the Heart is a beautiful one to practice to help you do just that.

Blessism for Living from the Heart 

I bless my ability to live from the heart and to live a life aligned with my heart’s greatest desires. Living in this heart-centered energy is both an honor and a blessing. I intend to live every day with an open-heart and an expanded vision. It is my birthright to live an abundant, peaceful, and fulfilling life and to live a life aligned with my passion and purpose. Living from the heart allows me to tune into my greatest wisdom and to live a life aligned with those things that make me feel good, vitalized, energized, balanced, rejuvenated, and healthy, both physically and emotionally. I bless my ability to listen to my heart and to surround myself with people who nourish my soul, build me up, and make me want to be the very best I can be. I bless my heart’s infinite intelligence and divine wisdom and for that I am eternally grateful.  

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