Living in Resonance

Living in Resonance
Gratitude Project
Living in Resonance

Jun 07 2022 | 00:05:01

Episode 110 June 07, 2022 00:05:01

Show Notes

Stop Struggling & Start Living! Rise Above the Struggle & Live in Resonance with This Awesome Blessism! So many of us get used to living in the struggle, that it’s difficult to really imagine a life where you are living in resonance with everything you want, need and desire. Why is this such a challenging thing? You know, the human mind has a natural bias towards negativity. The world reiterates this every day, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. The news is terrifying. The world can be terrifying. However, that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to bless ourselves and the world around us. It only takes one small act of kindness to start a movement. Every positive thing you do shifts everyone around you. That’s the real secret. It all starts with YOU. Today's Blessism is all about rising above the struggle and living in resonance.

Blessism for Rising Above the Struggle and Living in Resonance  

I bless my ability to rise above all financial challenges and struggles. Financial challenges are merely an illusion. Struggle is merely an illusion. I create the lifestyle I want, need, and desire with my energy. I bless that force within me that is greater than myself. I bless this place of confidence and financial security where all things are known and understood. I am using this power to make my life more vibrant, successful, and happy. This power - the Universal Creative Mind, the Subconscious Mind, is all I need to uplevel my life. I already have all the answers I need. I already have access to all the wealth and abundance I need. I bless myself with positive intentions today and every day. I rise above the challenges. I rise above the struggle. Whatever I ask for and whatever I believe, I achieve. All obstacles or undesirable circumstances are nothing but an illusion. I know no lack or limitation. All things are possible here and now. What a blessing! I can relax in contemplation of the good that now comes to me, secure in the knowledge that everything rests with a power much greater than I. I bless and trust this power and fully accept ALL goodness, wealth, abundance, and prosperity that is already mine. Thank you!  

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