Taking a Leap of Faith

Taking a Leap of Faith
Gratitude Project
Taking a Leap of Faith

Sep 16 2022 | 00:03:50

Episode 176 September 16, 2022 00:03:50

Show Notes

When was the last time you took a leap of faith? Sometimes we just need to relinquish that control, and have faith that when we decide to jump that the Universe will create a net! Taking risks is necessary for growth and evolution. We can learn from challenges. We can bless the mess and bless the journey. We can create our own sunshine. The Blessism for taking a leap of faith will help you feel better!

Blessism for Taking a Leap of Faith

I bless my ability to take a leap of faith today! I bless any times in my life when I have felt stuck and any times I felt as if my progress was being impeded. I can learn from these challenging times in my life. Today I vow to relinquish the control and trust in the process and the plan that is unfolding. I bless my ability to take a risk today and to take that leap of faith that guides me further on my journey. I know that taking risks is necessary for my growth and evolution. All of the greatest things in life require a leap of faith. I bless my ability to believe in something greater than me. I bless my faith in this process and the hard work I have done to make this leap possible. This is a brand-new day in my brand-new life and I celebrate that!

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