Taking a Quantum Leap!

Taking a Quantum Leap!
Gratitude Project
Taking a Quantum Leap!

Feb 15 2023 | 00:03:45

Episode 321 February 15, 2023 00:03:45

Show Notes

Are you ready to take a quantum leap into a better life? We all are at this point. The Blessism for Quantum Leap is a great way to shift your mindset and start seeing things differently. Blessisms offer you a greater sense of well-being in life and they may also help you improve your emotional responses to dally stressors, which can in turn predict greater long-term well-being. The Blessism for Quantum Leap is a gentle reminder that everything we want, need or desire actually already exists at the quantum level! Imagine that! 

Blessism for Taking a Quantum Leap!

I bless my ability to take a Quantum leap in life today! I know everything I want, need and desire is already mine. Today I express gratitude for all those things in my life that taught me to persevere and stay the course. I am ready to take that quantum leap in my life. I now know that everything I have ever dreamt about already exists at that quantum level and is simply waiting for me to receive and allow it. Today I receive! I allow! I now know everything is going to be OK. Growth and progress can come out of each experience and for knowing that I am deeply grateful.

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