That Calm Zen State of Mind

That Calm Zen State of Mind
Gratitude Project
That Calm Zen State of Mind

Oct 25 2022 | 00:04:57

Episode 210 October 25, 2022 00:04:57

Show Notes

What is a Zen state of mind? It’s kind of like a state of calm attentiveness in which our actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort. It’s the art of simply being one with our experiences, whether they are painful or pleasing.

We can use whatever life presents us to strengthen our spiritual practice—including the turmoil of daily life. What we really need to cultivate is the willingness to just be with our experiences—and open ourselves to the reality of our lives without trying to fix or change anything 

This may require us to face some fears or confront some assumptions in order to gradually become free of the constrictions and suffering they create.

Being calm and zen is a beautiful state of mind to cultivate, which is why I love this Blessism so much.

 Blessism for that Calm Zen State of Mind

I bless my ability to reach that calm Zen state of mind. I honor my willingness to just be one with these experiences—whether they are painful or pleasing. I honor my ability to channel love, light and peace no matter what is happening all around me. Thank you for helping me heal my mind, body, and spirit. I bless my happy, healed self, but acknowledge there may still be times when I need a little extra help or encouragement. Thank you for this co-creative partnership. Thank you for my healing. I bless my ability to stay calm through the midst of any storm or turbulent situation. I am forever grateful, deeply blessed and divinely guided by spirit. I am filled with the breadth of this healing power. Every day I become more and more aware of this ability to stay calm and Zen and I thank you!

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