The Power of Discernment

The Power of Discernment
Gratitude Project
The Power of Discernment

Feb 16 2023 | 00:03:59

Episode 333 February 16, 2023 00:03:59

Show Notes

This next Blessism is all about discernment. We've all had times when we needed to take a step back from difficult challenges or setbacks in life.  The truth is, you are the only one who can discern what people, or things serve you, and what people or things you may need to let go of. This is never an easy task. The art of discernment allows you to take that step back and more fully determine what you need to release to move into a more balanced, healthy life. 

Blessism for Discernment

I bless all the areas in my life which have been or may be out of balance. This is a great opportunity to reflect, reset and take a step back and make some changes I may have been wanting or needing to make. I am the only one who can determine what things serve me, and what things I need to let go of to live a more balanced life. Living an unbalanced life has taught me that I need to discern what is important for me in terms of my life and my happiness and joy. I understand that I may need to make some difficult changes to create the happy, healthy, well-balanced life I deserve. I am more than ready. Today I am ready to live with a sense of peace, joy, and balance and for that I am grateful.

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