YOU 2.0 Persona!

YOU 2.0 Persona!
Gratitude Project
YOU 2.0 Persona!

May 30 2022 | 00:04:00

Episode 86 May 30, 2022 00:04:00

Show Notes

Are You Ready to Step Into the Absolute Best Version of Yourself? If So, You're Going to Love The Blessism for Your YOU 2.0 Persona!

Are you ready to step into the absolute best version of yourself? We like to call this your YOU 2.0 Persona. The Blessism for YOU 2.0 is the perfect one to help you align with the happy, healthy, healed version of yourself. This Blessism can help you gently shift your mindset from negativity, chaos, and stress to the energy of positivity and good health. We believe that loving yourself is one of the keys to your greatest success and your greatest happiness!

Blessism for YOU 2.0

I bless my mind, body, and spirit today and bless the energy and consciousness of my innate intelligence. I am ready to step into the absolute best version of myself possible – my 2.0 ME. I am ready to awaken, activate and align with this happy, healthy, healed me. This is who I am at my sacred core. I am learning how to love myself again. I bless and honor my ability to gently shift my mindset from negativity, chaos, and stress to the energy of positivity and good health. Out of all the gifts I have been given throughout my lifetime - my incredible body and the gift of feeling good about myself is one of the most precious gifts I could ever receive. I love who I am, and my mind and body support me. I vow to love myself more every day. I vow to be gentler, kinder, and more compassionate with myself and others. Loving myself is the key to my greatest success and my greatest happiness! I am so grateful for my good health today - thank you! 

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