Your Spiritual Magnificence

Your Spiritual Magnificence
Gratitude Project
Your Spiritual Magnificence

Nov 11 2022 | 00:05:34

Episode 227 November 11, 2022 00:05:34

Show Notes

When was the last time you blessed your spirit? Your spirit is magnificent! Your spiritual magnificence is your very essence. It is the place within you that has never been hurt or harmed. It is that which knows, and it knows that it knows. Your beautiful, magnificent spirit is that wise, eternal part of you that is your highest and best self.

Taking a moment to honor and bless your spiritual magnificence is a wonderful thing to do.

Doing so allows you to live life in your authentic state, as a being of love and light. Let’s bless your spiritual magnificence now.

Blessism for Spiritual Magnificence

I bless the magnificence of my spirit today! My spiritual magnificence is my very essence. It is the place within me that has never been hurt or harmed. It is that which knows, and it knows that it knows. My beautiful, magnificent spirit is that wise, eternal part of me that is my highest and best self. I bless my spirit for its greatness, brilliance, and opulent splendor. I claim the magnificence of my being today and every day. I bless my experience of living life in my authentic state, as a being of love and light. At the root of myself, in the heart of my heart I find this glorious being of light and love and I celebrate that. What a glorious experience to rest in that love and light. When I rest here, all doubts fall away, and any worries, fears, anger, and exasperation effortlessly dissolve. I vow to find my way back to this magnificent place by surrendering to it every day. I make a pact with myself to reconnect with that beautiful light of my spirit and soul and to live in the great expanse of love. I thank my magnificent spirit for allowing me to live in this space of love. What a blessing this is!

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