Complete Rejuvenation

Complete Rejuvenation
Gratitude Project
Complete Rejuvenation

May 20 2022 | 00:03:51

Episode 56 May 20, 2022 00:03:51

Show Notes

Are You Ready for a Complete Rejuvenation? This Blessism is Perfect!

Are you ready for some rejuvenation? The Blessism for Your Complete Rejuvenation is just what you need! This Blessism can help you clear your mind of all self-criticism and all judgment. It can help you realize that you are beautifully imperfect. Taking the time today to send love, peace, and healing to all of the cells in your body can help you return your cells to their perfect original state and blueprint.

Blessism for Your Complete Rejuvenation  

I bless my body and nourish my body with love. I bless and honor my body's ability to completely rejuvenate itself. I am enjoying a complete sense of rejuvenation. I rejoice in this process. I bless and honor my DNA. I honor my body and my self-healing abilities. I am ready to love myself no matter what. I am ready to treat myself with kindness. compassion and respect. I know I am constantly evolving. I am open to receiving the greatest love and healing possible. I am divine. I clear my mind of all self-criticism and all judgment. I am beautifully imperfect at this moment. I love myself completely. I apologize for any mistakes or any times I may have mistreated or disrespected my body over the years. I am ready to heal. I am sending love to all of the cells in my body and returning them to their perfect original state and blueprint. I am so grateful for my healing. I am healing deeply and completely. Thank you. I love you! 

Visit us at for more information about our brand and our work! Leslie Riopel is a recognized psychology professor, healer, and mindfulness and meditation teacher who specializes in helping others who are on their own healing journey. Our program is co-produced by Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology, and Charles Betterton, MSCED, and presented by and our non-profit, 

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