Overcoming Challenges

Overcoming Challenges
Gratitude Project
Overcoming Challenges

Sep 01 2022 | 00:04:20

Episode 159 September 01, 2022 00:04:20

Show Notes

Have you gone through difficult times? Everyone has times in their life that are challenging. We all experience difficulties, some worse than others. It’s important to remember that difficulties are relative. What might be super challenging for me, could be somewhat simple for someone else.

We never really know what someone is going through so we really should be kind to everyone.

If you are going through difficulties and challenges, or you know someone who is, the Blessism for Difficult Times is a great one.

Blessism for Difficult Times 

I bless and give thanks for all those times in my life in which I may have felt stuck or trapped in difficult circumstances. What a powerful lesson of acceptance. Difficult times meant I had to learn to accept myself for where I was in the moment, and I had to learn to appreciate even the broken parts of myself. What a beautiful lesson of love. Loving myself means I am never really stuck. Going through challenging times forced me to think outside of the box. I am now a pro at finding creative ways in which to overcome obstacles. What a useful talent to have! I can overcome any obstacle with ease and grace and for that I am extraordinarily grateful.

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