Creating Financial Security

Creating Financial Security
Gratitude Project
Creating Financial Security

Jun 02 2022 | 00:05:40

Episode 96 June 02, 2022 00:05:40

Show Notes

Do You Get Stressed & Anxious Paying Bills? It’s Time to Bless All Those Debts, Bills & Obligations, and Here’s How! Are you constantly thinking about all the debts you have amassed? Is the whole idea of money and trying to manifest more of it stressful for you? If so, you’re not alone. If you are having difficulties with money, you may have an unconscious belief or a money set point that you need to raise.

If you are struggling with survival issues such as a lack of finances or feel stressed when you’re paying bills, this type of anxiety can manifest as a lack of money or security.

Every Blessism invites miracles into your life and the world – not just into your world but into the whole universe. That is the power of Blessisms.

Our recommended Blessism is for Debts, Bills, and Obligations. This is your starting point for Creating Financial Security

I bless all my bills, debts, or loans today. I bless any and all financial obligations I may have. I can now see this is proof positive that the universe has faith that I can easily and effortlessly pay these obligations off. I thank the universe for all the creative and sublime ways we will instantly pay off all my debts in beautiful divine order! I bless any and all negative feelings or stress or anxiety I may feel about any of these financial obligations. I bless my ability to live and support myself in an abundant, self-sufficient prosperous way. I am now releasing all limiting beliefs about money and wealth and my ability to pay off debt and create a limitless resource and flow of money. I trust that I will always use my wealth and prosperity to make the world a better place. I know I deserve great wealth and abundance - and I shall have it. I send love to myself and all the beautiful new opportunities already coming my way! Thank you!

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