The Energy of Money

The Energy of Money
Gratitude Project
The Energy of Money

Jun 03 2022 | 00:05:19

Episode 97 June 03, 2022 00:05:19

Show Notes

Reconnecting With the Energy of Money & Overcoming Old Patterns That Block the Flow of Money. Many of us have very strong feelings about money. These patterns develop over time. If you are having issues with the flow of money or with abundance, then you most likely have some energetic blocks you need to release. The truth is we all need money to some extent.

We need money because of the nature of the world we live in. We need money to survive and thrive. Money allows us to do the most basic things, such as drinking fresh water, having somewhere to live, and having clothing for our bodies. Money also allows us to express ourselves creatively. Money allows us to eat healthy foods and take care of the most basic things in life. Reconnecting with the energy of money can help you.

Blessism for Energy of Money         

I bless the energy of money today. I bless my ability to manifest money. I understand money is neither good nor bad, it is simply energy. I know I am greater than any financial challenge or obstacle I have ever faced. I can manifest anything I want, need, or desire, I am that powerful. I bless the energy of money and bless my ability to multiply all of my resources. I am increasing. My blessings are always increasing. I always have more than enough. Money is a blessing and money is good. Money is freedom and I bless this sense of financial freedom, abundance, and prosperity within me. I am blessed. I am grateful and life is good.  

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