Developing a Deep Trust in Life

Developing a Deep Trust in Life
Gratitude Project
Developing a Deep Trust in Life

Oct 22 2022 | 00:04:39

Episode 205 October 22, 2022 00:04:39

Show Notes

How trusting are you that you are on the right path in life? It’s easy to get off track when things go wrong. If you are experiencing difficult times, the Blessism for Trust can help you bless and honor your journey, whether it is pleasing or painful. 

The fact of the matter is that you are already empowered. You are loved. With faith and trust anything is possible. Our lives can get very complicated making it difficult for us to move and breathe. So many of us feel stuck in our circumstances, whether or not that means stuck in a situation or stuck with in a certain frame of mind. This can be so overwhelming that you end up not working on yourself or your goals at all because you have no idea where to start or what to do. If you try and work on too much at once, you become easily overwhelmed and fail.

The Blessism for Trust is a sweet little blessing you can use anytime you are feeling down.

Blessism for Trust & Transformation

I bless and trust my journey toward my highest and best good. I honor this journey for what it brings forth. I trust the sacred path that is continually unfolding. I trust in the process of life.  I bless my path toward healing. With faith and trust, anything is possible. Any amount of healing is possible. I am coming from a place of pure love and positive intention. I trust in this process. I am so grateful for my personal growth and my healing. Every day, I am becoming the very best version of myself. I am honored to be a part of this process. I am a spiritual warrior. I am strong. I am empowered. I am loved. I love and accept myself more and more every day. I bless and honor myself and trust my journey toward that most sacred part of my being. I do not allow anyone to dishonor me. I trust in my dreams and trust my heart as I move forward with love.

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