Faith & Positive Intentions

Faith & Positive Intentions
Gratitude Project
Faith & Positive Intentions

May 13 2022 | 00:04:21

Episode 37 May 13, 2022 00:04:21

Show Notes

Are You Losing Faith in Your Healing Journey? Try the Blessism for Faith and Positive Intentions.

It’s natural and normal to sometimes get frustrated during the healing process. If you are feeling frustrated in your healing journey, it’s important to remember that every day offers you another wonderful opportunity for a fresh start. It’s never too late to love, praise and honor the body, no matter what state of health and well-being you may be in. Faith and love are two of the most powerful forces on the planet. Your positive intention and faith can help boost the healing process. The next time you feel like your faith is in short supply, take a few minutes out of your day to repeat this Blessism. The words you speak can impact your mind, body, and spirit.

Blessism for Faith and Positive Intentions   

I bless my body and my innate intelligence and have absolute faith and confidence in this healing process. I know it all starts with me. I believe in the creative power of my words. I absolutely believe we have the power to heal. This innate power is strong, even when my faith is weak. Today I release my pain, any weakness, and any sorrow in exchange for healing and comfort. The creative power expressing within, through, and as me recognizes, acknowledges, and appreciates my SMART Body. May my thoughts, words, and actions be in the highest good for all. I know anything is possible. Blessings and healing are coming forth. Change and transformation are coming. I believe in this healing power. I believe I can heal. I am healing at this moment. My positive intention is everything. I ask for help to be guided, shaped, and healed into wholeness. I affirm at this moment that bad things are falling away. I can do this. My mind and body can take me to a miraculous state of optimal health and well-being. I let go of the need to blame and live in the joy. Thank you! I love you! 

Visit us at for more information about our brand and our work! Leslie Riopel is a recognized psychology professor, healer, and mindfulness and meditation teacher who specializes in helping others who are on their own healing journey. Our program is co-produced by Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology, and Charles Betterton, MSCED, and presented by and our non-profit,

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