Feel Worthy Again

Feel Worthy Again
Gratitude Project
Feel Worthy Again

Jun 01 2022 | 00:04:38

Episode 92 June 01, 2022 00:04:38

Show Notes

How Worthy Do You feel? Feel Worthy Again with the Blessism for Worthiness.

One of life’s most difficult questions to answer is simply “Do you feel worthy enough to have everything you desire?” Do you actually feel that you deserve a healthy body or deserve to have exactly what you want? This is why it’s so difficult to obtain what we truly want. So many of us have hundreds of self-imposed imperfections. If you made a mental list of all the things you wanted to change about yourself, you could probably write for hours. What if you made a mental list of all the things you loved about yourself instead? How long would that list be? This is something we all struggle with. The Blessism for Worthiness is a great one to use to help you feel strong, worthy, and empowered. 

Blessism for Worthiness

I bless and honor my beautiful body today. I know I am worthy, and I am deserving. I am worthy and deserving of my ideal body and my ideal weight. I am worthy and deserving of everything good. I deserve to have a happy, healthy, healed body. I love and accept myself, no matter what shape or size. My body is beautiful. My good health is a precious gift. I treat my body with love, kindness, and compassion. My body is deserving of love. I listen to my body and always know what it needs. My body shows up for me, every day and it deserves my wholehearted love. I know my worthiness is not defined by a number on a scale, but I can still strive to be my absolute best. I bless my body and give my body permission to change, and I prioritize my total well-being. I am worthy, strong, and empowered, and that’s enough.

Stay tuned for Season 4 which is all about ABUNDANCE! Celebrate Your Natural State of Abundance and Prosperity with Mindful BLESSisms for Abundance, Prosperity, and Financial Freedom.

These BLESSisms can help you recognize and realize that you are already rich in spirit - which is where genuine abundance dwells. Tap into your abundance mindset and natural state of prosperity and financial freedom you so richly deserve in Season 4! 

Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!

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