It’s Time to Celebrate!

It’s Time to Celebrate!
Gratitude Project
It’s Time to Celebrate!

May 31 2022 | 00:04:23

Episode 91 May 31, 2022 00:04:23

Show Notes

It’s Time to Celebrate Your Magnificent Body! Are You Ready?

Everything you have gone through is part of the divine plan for your unfolding future. You have the power to change the world by changing yourself. This is who you are down to your sacred core. Celebrating yourself and your body is a wonderful way to celebrate and honor your worthiness. The Blessism for Celebration will help you realize that every day you have a new opportunity to live a magnificent life. It’s time to celebrate that!

Blessism for Celebration!

I bless and celebrate my beautiful body today and every day! I celebrate my body’s innate intelligence. I am proud of the journey I have traveled. I honor myself and my confidence and strength. I bless my imperfections and missteps. Everything I have gone through is part of the divine plan for my unfolding future. I have the power to change the world by changing myself. This is who I am down to my sacred core. I celebrate myself and I celebrate my worthiness. I am magnificent and I bless my magnificence! I bless all my hopes and dreams and everything I still want to achieve in life. May I have the courage to change the things I can change and accept and bless the things I cannot. Every day I have a new opportunity to live a magnificent life. I am richly blessed!  

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