Feeling Overwhelmed? Try the Blessism for Overstimulation

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try the Blessism for Overstimulation
Gratitude Project
Feeling Overwhelmed? Try the Blessism for Overstimulation

Feb 15 2023 | 00:04:08

Episode 319 February 15, 2023 00:04:08

Show Notes

It's easy to get overstimulated, especially for those with PTSD, stress, and anxiety. Mindfulness is a wonderful practice to help you step away from the stress and strain of life and embrace the quiet of the moment. Sometimes we simply need to rest and practice the pause. Practicing the pause, and acknowledging when these strong feelings arise, can help you recondition your mind to respond to stress and anxiety in a more creative, empowered, and healthier manner. The Blessism for Overstimulation is a wonderful one to practice any time you are feeling overwhelmed.

Blessism for Overstimulation

I bless any and all times I may have experienced over stimulation. I fully understand that overstimulating myself can lead to even more anxiety and stress. It’s not always necessary to "Get Things Done." Sometimes I simply need to rest and practice the pause. Practicing the pause, and acknowledging when these strong feelings arise, can help me recondition my mind to respond to stress and anxiety in a more creative, empowered, and healthier manner. For that I am grateful.


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