Let the Healing Energy Flow!

Let the Healing Energy Flow!
Gratitude Project
Let the Healing Energy Flow!

May 16 2022 | 00:04:46

Episode 46 May 16, 2022 00:04:46

Show Notes


Let the Healing Energy Flow & Bless Your Body for the Miraculous Work of Art it Truly Is with the Blessism for Your Optimal Healing Journey.

Finding the gratitude and the blessing within the illness or pain is not always easy to do. The Blessism for Your Optimal Healing Journey can help you focus on and ask for what is most needed for your body at this point in time. The more you focus on positive loving, healing thoughts, the more your body will respond to that love with enhanced health and wellness. Use this Blessism to ask for what is most needed for your body at this point in time. Try using this Blessism before going to sleep at night, and ask your mind to reveal to you what it is you most need for your optimal healing journey. You might be surprised at what pops into your mind when you wake up!

Blessism for Your Optimal Healing Journey

I bless myself and my unique journey of healing today. I bless the miracle of my human body which works beyond my wildest imagination. I am so excited to be on this journey of healing and discovery. I am ready to embrace my optimal healing journey. I bless my innate intelligence and my SMART body and the millions of processes and chemical reactions that take place every day that allow me to live, work, play and serve. I bless and am grateful for my immune system and for its ability to fight off disease. I bless the trillions of cells that communicate flawlessly every second of every day. I ask for what is most needed for my body at this point in time. I bless this beautiful healing power. I bless and am extraordinarily grateful for my healing. This is my new journey. From now on I focus only on positive loving, healing thoughts. I tune everything else out. I am so grateful for my healthy body. I am so grateful for each wonderful breath and for my ability to heal. I can feel this healing energy flowing through me. I love, appreciate, and bless my optimal healing journey and my amazing body. Thank you! I love you!

Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com for more information about our brand and our work! Leslie Riopel is a recognized psychology professor, healer, and mindfulness and meditation teacher who specializes in helping others who are on their own healing journey. Our program is co-produced by Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology, and Charles Betterton, MSCED, and presented by MindfullyBlessed.com and our non-profit, PlanetBlessed.org.

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