Being a Visionmaster

Being a Visionmaster
Gratitude Project
Being a Visionmaster

Aug 09 2022 | 00:03:50

Episode 145 August 09, 2022 00:03:50

Show Notes

Being a Visionmaster

What does it mean to be a Visionmaster? Visionmasters make the future, perhaps even force that future into being, by constantly challenging the forces of the status quo.

Visionmasters do everything possible to make their visions real, especially those things they want, need and desire.

How BIG is your vision? Reach higher and higher levels of achievement by being a Visionmaster!

Blessism for Being a Visionmaster

I bless my ability to be a visionmaster and to create a BIG vision! I bless my ability to expand my vision and move into a life of limitless possibilities. I can now see my possibilities are endless. I am consciously creating a brand-new future with each positive, loving thought! Every day I have a new opportunity to live my best life. I bless my ability to reach higher and higher levels of achievement with this expanded vision. I can now see there is no limit to my innate creativity and intelligence. Every day I visualize the most amazing life imaginable to me! I bless my ability to hold that vision, as long as I can, and bring it into my present state of consciousness. This ability I have to create the grandest vision possible for my life is my greatest power! I fully believe that I become what I believe. The power lies within ME!

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