Letting Go of the Excess

Letting Go of the Excess
Gratitude Project
Letting Go of the Excess

May 25 2022 | 00:03:58

Episode 73 May 25, 2022 00:03:58

Show Notes


Are You Ready to Let Go of the Excess? You're Going to Love the Blessism for Letting Go of the Excess and Taking Responsibility for Your Body and Your Life.

As you work your way through this program you will begin peeling back the layers of insecurities and old belief patterns that once held you back. As a result, you will start seeing yourself in a new light. All of those harmful messages you received as a child will literally start fading away as they are replaced with new healthier images and messages. Your belief system is deeply ingrained within you and it creates your perception of reality. The Blessism for Letting Go of the Excess and Taking Responsibility for Your Body and Your Life is a very powerful one to practice and we think you’re going to love it!

Blessism for Letting Go of the Excess and Taking Responsibility

I bless my body as my sacred temple. I bless my ability to let go of what no longer serves me. I bless and send love to any fears or unhealthy patterns that are no longer serving my highest good. I take full responsibility for my journey back to loving my body. I bless and send love to any excess weight I may still be holding onto for whatever subconscious reasons. I am grateful I no longer need the excess weight and appreciate the role it may have served at one point. Thank you for helping me feel safe. Thank you for protecting me when I needed protection. I release you in love. I am ready to step into a lean, healthy, strong body. I bless all the difficulties and struggles I have experienced over the years when it comes to loving my body. I am grateful for this powerful lesson in letting go and I am learning how to love myself more every day. Thank you for the love!

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