Mastering Change

Mastering Change
Gratitude Project
Mastering Change

Oct 18 2022 | 00:04:46

Episode 197 October 18, 2022 00:04:46

Show Notes

"Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free." - Robert Tew.

How good are you when it comes to mastering change? Do you thrive with change, or dread it? Do you see change as an invitation to a new life, or as something that seems uncomfortable? It is possible to feel more comfortable with change. Change is a process. One thing you can do if there are areas in your life that are changing, or getting out of hand, is to bless change, and ask the process of change to guide you.

Change is constant, inevitable, and can be relentless. You can choose to be a victim of change or you can use it to your advantage and become a master of change 

How you respond to change determines your health, happiness, and performance. Top performers have a sense of control. They don't wait for things to happen, they make things happen. They are creators of circumstances rather than creatures of circumstance.

 One quality that determines your success and your ability to maintain control during times of rapid change is flexibility. Flexibility requires you to accept reality, adapt to the situation, and take action. Another way is to use the Blessism for Mastering change as part of your daily mindfulness or meditation program.

Blessism for Mastering Change 

I bless my ability to embrace and master change. I can see the process of change is not always a negative one. Change is a new beginning and an invitation to a new life. I bless the sacred energy of change and transformation today. I bless my ability to see change as a positive, motivating force. I am grateful for the challenges the process of change has given me. I bless my ability to let go of the control and I strive to be open to wherever life takes me. In the wise words of Brian Tracy, I know I cannot always control what happens to me, but I can control my attitude toward what happens to me, and in that, I will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master me. I love the energy of change for what it brings me each and every day! I know those things I may be afraid to do, are also the same things that can set me free, and I bless that!

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