Move Past Your Story

Move Past Your Story
Gratitude Project
Move Past Your Story

May 28 2022 | 00:04:34

Episode 81 May 28, 2022 00:04:34

Show Notes

Are You Ready to Move Past Your Story? The Blessism for Transformation & Rejuvenation Can Help You Do That!

What kind of story do you tell yourself every day about your life? While it’s great to have a compelling story, you don’t have to keep carrying around a difficult one. If your “story” is holding you back, it may be time for you to transmute and transform your story and let it go. As humans, we’re constantly evolving. We’re a different person every day. If you find yourself in a difficult or challenging situation, it’s OK to let your story go and move past it. One good way to move forward is to bless your story and find the gratitude in the healing lesson. The Blessism for Transformation and Rejuvenation can help you do all of that and more.

Blessism for Transformation & Rejuvenation

I bless and give thanks for this time of transformation and rejuvenation. Thank you for my healing. I am deeply grateful for this divine breakthrough. I bless my ability to gently accept and move past "my story”. I can now see that times of upheaval can be a healing time and a time of emotional growth. I bless and send gratitude and love to my miraculous body. I bless my body's ability to reset itself to its perfect divine blueprint. I am so grateful for my healthy, strong body. My body is a work of art in motion and the greatest sacred geometry of all time. I acknowledge this today. What a blessing this is. Thank you for my healing. I am nourishing my body with love. I honor my DNA. I honor my body and my self-healing abilities. I am ready to love myself no matter what. I know I am constantly evolving. I am sending love to all the cells in my body and returning them to their perfect original state and blueprint. I am enjoying a complete sense of rejuvenation. I am so grateful for my healing. Thank you. I love you!

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