Secret Opportunities!

Secret Opportunities!
Gratitude Project
Secret Opportunities!

Jun 13 2022 | 00:05:00

Episode 129 June 13, 2022 00:05:00

Show Notes

Did You Know There Are Secret Opportunities Inside Every Failure? Look at Failure Differently with the Blessism for Turning Your Failures into Fabulous Opportunities! One of the greatest skills we can learn in life is how to turn failure inside out. Consider Thomas Edison. Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb, however, he did so after thousands of failed attempts.

Edison clearly looked at failure differently than many of us do today. When he was asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?”, he simply said “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps”. If you can laugh in the face of adversity, you will be much better off in the long run. Today’s Blessism is for Turning Your Failures into Fabulous Opportunities!

Blessism for Turning Your Failure into Fabulous Opportunities

I bless and celebrate my ability to turn any and all perceived failures into fabulous new opportunities! Each failure is yet another wonderful opportunity to learn and change and grow. I can now see there are secret opportunities hidden inside every beautiful failure! Failures and disappointments are simply redirections and course corrections. There are no failures - only FEEDBACK! I am so proud of the journey I have traveled. I bless my failures and missteps. Failure means I am boldly putting myself out there and I am proud of that. I can now see that everything I have struggled with through the years is part of the divine plan for my unfolding future. I have the power to change the world by simply changing myself. This is who I am down to my sacred core. Failure calls for a celebration. Opportunities abound! Today I turn all failures into fabulous opportunities. What a blessing this is!  

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