Empowerment and Fulfillment

Empowerment and Fulfillment
Gratitude Project
Empowerment and Fulfillment

Nov 03 2022 | 00:04:51

Episode 219 November 03, 2022 00:04:51

Show Notes

Do you feel empowered and fulfilled? When we feel empowered, we are operating at our absolute best. As you connect with yourself as a spiritual being, you raise your vibration and enhance your spiritual growth. 

As we all know, however, we may not always feel like this. Life is complicated and messy. Sometimes it’s challenging to stay in that high vibration, you often feel when you are meditating or praying. One thing you can do, is to make a pact with yourself to make the conscious decision to speak positive empowering words that lift your energy. Your sense of empowerment and you’re your personal power allows you to achieve your ultimate potential in life. 

The Blessism for Empowerment and Fulfillment is a wonderful one to practice whenever you are feeling a little less than empowered.

Blessism for Empowerment and Fulfillment        

I bless my ability to live an empowered, fulfilling life. I bless my sense of empowerment and my ability to form a deeper connection with my spiritual being and myself. When I am empowered, I am operating at my absolute best. This is my birthright. As I focus on myself and my growth, I raise my vibration. As I connect within, I become even more empowered. Every day, I make the conscious decision to speak positive empowering words that lift my energy. My sense of empowerment and my personal power allows me to achieve my ultimate potential in life. I know I have the power to control my own divine destiny with every positive thought, word, and action I take. I know I can live a happy, fulfilling life even in the face of obstacles and setbacks, because I determine my path with every positive decision I make.

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