Spreading Love, Kindness & Compassion

Spreading Love, Kindness & Compassion
Gratitude Project
Spreading Love, Kindness & Compassion

Nov 11 2022 | 00:05:34

Episode 225 November 11, 2022 00:05:34

Show Notes

According to MindfulLiving.org, Mindfulness and Loving Kindness have the same aim: to end suffering, to work with negative emotions, to open to loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.

Love, kindness, and compassion are all heartfelt qualities of mind. They are about cultivating qualities such as friendliness, openness, and connectedness. They are all practices and states of mind that help to open the heart. What would the world feel like if everyone were a little more loving, kind, and compassionate? It’s a wonderful thing to think about.

Blessing the world is something you can do every day to light up the world. You can bless everyone with love, kindness, and compassion, especially those who may not see this love, kindness, or compassion within themselves. You can strive to see the goodness within everyone. And as you treat others with love, kindness, and compassion, these gestures of goodwill grow and expand exponentially. 

The Blessism for Love, Kindness, and Compassion is a game changer.

Blessism for Love, Kindness & Compassion           

I bless the world with love, kindness, and compassion. I vow to be kinder, more compassionate, and more loving with myself and others. This is the greatest gift I can give myself today. I bless anyone who may be struggling with difficult things with love, kindness, and compassion. I bless myself with love, kindness, and compassion. I never really know what someone might be going through, so the best rule of thumb is to offer someone a gentle hand and a loving smile. Blessing the world is something I can do every day to light up the world. I bless everyone with love, kindness, and compassion today, especially those who may not see this love, kindness, or compassion within themselves. I strive to see the goodness within everyone. May my words comfort people. May my simple greetings fill people with love. As I treat others with love, kindness and compassion, these gestures of goodwill grow and expand exponentially.

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