The Flow of Abundance

The Flow of Abundance
Gratitude Project
The Flow of Abundance

Jun 05 2022 | 00:05:00

Episode 105 June 05, 2022 00:05:00

Show Notes

Welcome in Financial Freedom, Abundance, and Prosperity into Your Life with This Awesome Blessism! When was the last time you blessed your money and finances? When was the last time you welcomed in financial freedom, abundance, and prosperity into your life? When was the last time you blessed anything and everything that may be causing any hindrance that may interfere with the flow of money and the divine flow of abundance? Sometimes we just have to bless the mess and feel grateful, no matter how difficult our path has been. The more you believe that you deserve abundance, wealth, and prosperity - the more it flows through you and the more your circumstances begin to change. Today’s Blessism is all about blessing your money and finances.

Blessism for Money and Finances

I bless my money and finances today. I welcome financial freedom, abundance, and prosperity into my life with grace and ease. This is my new truth. I am so grateful to release every thought pattern, related to scarcity and limitation that may have previously caused me to attract a reality based on a lack of goods and financial well-being. I bless anything that is causing any hindrance that may interfere with the flow of money and the divine flow of abundance, prosperity, and financial freedom. I accept this new truth and am open to receiving the gifts of financial wealth and riches I so greatly deserve. I bless and am open to the removal of all my worries, anxieties, and fears about money and ask they be replaced with an awareness that prosperity, abundance, and financial freedom are my natural state of being. I bless the energy of money. I allow money, including financial abundance, wealth, and prosperity, to flow into my life quickly, abundantly, and effortlessly. I bless this process and am excited to experience an existence of blissful unlimited prosperity. Thank you!  

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