Unknown Mysteries of the Spirit World

Unknown Mysteries of the Spirit World
Gratitude Project
Unknown Mysteries of the Spirit World

Nov 17 2022 | 00:05:08

Episode 238 November 17, 2022 00:05:08

Show Notes

There are many things in life we don’t understand. There are also a lot of unknown mysteries in the world of spirit. We don’t know what we don’t know. The best approach may just be to be open to whatever comes your way. Instead of feeling anxious about what you don’t know, why not be grateful for that which you cannot see?

In the wise words of Wayne Dyer, “Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.” 

Let’s honor those unknown mysteries of the world today with this creative  little Blessism.

Blessims for X - The Unknown Mysteries of the Spirit World   

I bless all the beautiful unknown mysteries of the spirit world today. I am grateful for that which I cannot see. I honor and bless those journeys I have yet to take. I understand and honor my spiritual power and know I can use this power to make my life more vibrant, successful, and happy. This power is the universal creative mind, the subconscious mind, and I am using it now. This universal mind is responsive to thought. It creates whatever is projected into it. I bless and honor my unique ability to create my own reality. I bless the simplicity of this process. I know my thoughts create my life, every moment of every day. I can change my life very easily by changing my thoughts. When I tap into this creative power, I embed powerful beliefs into my being. I honor myself as a being of pure spirit and am eternally grateful. In the wise words of Wayne Dyer, I affirm that in an intelligent system, no one shows up by accident, including me. The universal mind of intention is responsible for all of creation. It knows what it’s doing. I came from that mind, and I am infinitely connected to it. What a blessing this is!


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