Writing the Most Beautiful Script Possible for Your Life

Writing the Most Beautiful Script Possible for Your Life
Gratitude Project
Writing the Most Beautiful Script Possible for Your Life

Nov 16 2022 | 00:05:07

Episode 237 November 16, 2022 00:05:07

Show Notes

One way you can supercharge your process of manifestation is to view yourself like an actor in the stage of your life. This is a great simple visualization exercise you can do. The Blessism for writing the most beautiful script possible for your life is all about this.

What if you could rewrite the script of your life? What would you write? What would be different? What if you could just rest in the knowledge that everything is proceeding at the perfect time in the perfect way? You are not only the actor in your stage of life, but also the producer, the director, and the writer. As the actor, you can choose a different role. As the producer, you can seek additional funding. As the director, you can change the scenery. As the writer, you can easily change the script. If you are not exactly where you would like to be, this Blessism is a real winner!

Blessism for Writing the Most Beautiful Script Possible for Your Life 

I bless my ability to be an actor in my stage of life and to write the most beautiful script possible. I bless my creative power to create the life of my dreams in an easy and relaxed manner. My life and everyone in my universe are here by invitation and playing a specific role. I know I can literally rewrite the script of my life at any moment. Today I rest in the knowledge that everything is proceeding at the perfect time in the perfect way. I know I am not only the actor in my stage of life, but also the producer, the director, and the writer. As the actor, I can choose a different role. As the producer, I can seek additional funding. As the director, I can change the scenery. As the writer, I can easily change the script. I bless this awesome power! I rest in the knowledge that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly. The more I can relax in this knowledge that there is no rush, and I am in no hurry, the happier and more fulfilled I will be. The truth is, I am not behind on anything. I am exactly where I need to be. That is the best gift I can give myself today.

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