Show Notes
Each of us is on a sacred path in life. We are all on a journey, a journey to love. The right to choose our sacred path is a sacred privilege. There is a beautiful quote by Thich Nhat Hahn,
“The mind can go in a thousand different directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step a flower blooms.”
I really think that quote is powerful. We may forget that we are on this planet to be joyful and to discover new things. Every day is a sacred gift. We are all sacred beings. Sometimes we simply have to strive to be open to the quiet whispering of our soul. When we are open to receiving this wisdom, it’s much easier to quiet the mind and hear the soul speak.
The Blessism for the Sacred Path is a beautiful little blessing that will make your heart sing
Blessism for the Sacred Path
I bless and honor my sacred path and that sacred part of my soul that is yearning to communicate with me. I understand that my right to choose my path is a sacred privilege. I honor that part of me that is connected to that which is greater than me. I have great faith in my journey of healing and know I am always protected by my higher mind and my connection to spirit. I am the consciousness and energy of love, source, divine consciousness, infinite wisdom, and faith. I walk the sacred path of my life with graciousness and gratitude. I strive to be open to the quiet whispering of my soul. May I be open to receiving this wisdom, so I am easily able to quiet my mind and hear my soul speak.
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