Writing a New Story

Writing a New Story
Gratitude Project
Writing a New Story

Sep 27 2022 | 00:05:18

Episode 179 September 27, 2022 00:05:18

Show Notes

What’s your story? Everyone has one. Stories can be good, or they can be bad. If you have a bad story, it’s OK to release it and let it go. No one ever said you had to keep carrying around the emotional baggage that is holding you back.

One great practice you can engage in is sitting down and actually writing a new story. Sit down today and write down what you would like to see happen in your life from this moment forward. Don’t think about the past.

What kind of a story would you write?

The best chapters of your life are the chapters that have not yet been written. You have the power to start writing a new chapter with each new day. Let’s Bless the past and start something new today!

Blessism for Writing a New Story

I bless my ability to write a new story today. I bless the journey I have traveled and make a pact with myself to not let one bad chapter define the rest of my life. I can learn from that chapter and rewrite my story at any time. The best chapters of my life are the chapters that have not yet been written. I have the power to start writing a new chapter with each new day. I can create a new life with each and every thought I think. I know that every ending is yet another new beginning. My story is never-ending and ever-flowing and it always has a new chapter, no matter how many times I fail. Whatever I put out will return to me in kind. The choice is always mine as to how I live my life. Through these words, everything I need comes to me. All obstacles and undesirable circumstances fall away. I can achieve anything. I can be anything. I can manifest anything. That is my truth. I expect nothing but cooperation and assistance. I believe in the power of my dreams and the power of my words. Everything starts with ME.

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