Your Tipping Point

Your Tipping Point
Gratitude Project
Your Tipping Point

Aug 09 2022 | 00:03:53

Episode 143 August 09, 2022 00:03:53

Show Notes

What if you could turn your trauma into a tipping point? What if you could take your biggest challenge and turn it inside out?

You can tip the scales in your favor at any moment. You can get up and decide that the world supports you. You are a beautiful kaleidoscope of color. All of the problems, challenges and life lessons have made you the incredible person you are today. 

What you have been through does not define you. Your past experiences and difficulties provide you with a great blessing.

Who You Are Today Cannot Exist Without Every Single Sacrifice and Mistake You Have Made.

Blessism for Turning Trauma into Your Tipping Point

I bless my ability to turn my trauma into my tipping point. I can find the strength I need to skillfully move through any challenging situation with grace and ease. My trauma does not define me. The negative occurrences and challenges I have been through do not define me. I define me. I know there are many moments in my life where there is a corner to be turned and a battle to be won. This is my tipping point and I celebrate that. I can tip the scales in any moment. I have this unique power to mold and shape the events of my life and tip the scales in every moment. Every day is a new opportunity to create a new life, free of the past. Every day, I stand at the tipping point of my existence and my life. I can change the future in the blink of an eye through my thoughts, words, and inspired actions! What a transformative power to have!

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