Make Your Wounds Your Wisdom

Make Your Wounds Your Wisdom
Gratitude Project
Make Your Wounds Your Wisdom

Aug 22 2022 | 00:03:55

Episode 146 August 22, 2022 00:03:55

Show Notes

"Turn Your Wounds into Wisdom" - Opray Winfrey

One of the toughest things we go through in life, is finding ways to overcome and move through our pain and emotional trauma. The funny thing about pain is that you really can’t avoid it. You can’t pretend it’s not there. If you try and bury it, it will follow you around.

One thing you can do is strive to make your wounds your wisdom. You can learn from your pain. You can thank your pain for the valuable life lesson. You can thank it for the contrast.

How would we know the sweetness of the sun, if we didn’t first experience the darkness? Our painful life lessons can help us more than we could imagine.

Blessism for Making Your Wounds Your Wisdom

I bless my ability to make my wounds my wisdom and my trauma my tipping point. I believe whole-heartily in this power I have to transform my life and my thoughts. Wonderful things happen when I start blessing things instead of feeling aggravated or getting upset. As I bless myself, I change the world around me. Every time I put something positive out into the world, like a Blessism, the world changes. I change. The people around me change. My positive energy and my intention matter. My kindness matters. My compassion matters. What I contribute to the world matters. Every Blessism invites miracles into my life and into the world - and not just into my world but into the whole universe. That is my greatest gift and blessing.

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