Bless Your Body with Love

Bless Your Body with Love
Gratitude Project
Bless Your Body with Love

May 04 2022 | 00:03:47

Episode 11 May 04, 2022 00:03:47

Show Notes

Bless Your Body with Love with the Blessism for Kindness for Your Ultimate Health & Well-Being.

As humans, we are often very hard on ourselves. This lovely Blessism can help you let go of any self-judgment and any fear you may be holding onto that may impact your healing journey. Try using this Blessism with your morning or evening prayers or as part of your daily gratitude practice.

Blessism for Kindness 

I bless myself and my body with loving-kindness today. My journey of healing certainly involves loving myself more. I’m ready to nurture my body with love and kindness. I know I am worthy of everything that is good, positive, and healthy. I bless my body with love. I bless my ability to let go of the need to be perfect. I bless my imperfections and send them love, kindness, and compassion. I bless my ability to let go of self-judgment and let go of the fear. I bless my ability to start fresh and to value myself more. I embrace my healing journey. Everything starts with this feeling of self-love. I know that now. I deserve abundant good health. I deserve to feel strong. I am feeling stronger and better every moment of every day. Nurturing my good health and nurturing myself is my highest priority now. Thank you. I love you. 

Visit us at for more information about our brand and our work! Leslie Riopel is a recognized psychology professor, healer, and mindfulness and meditation teacher who specializes in helping others who are on their own healing journey. Our program is co-produced by Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology, and Charles Betterton, MSCED, and presented by and our non-profit,

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