Connecting With Spiritual Flow

Connecting With Spiritual Flow
Gratitude Project
Connecting With Spiritual Flow

Nov 03 2022 | 00:05:52

Episode 220 November 03, 2022 00:05:52

Show Notes

Spiritual flow is being in sync with life, the universe, and with everything. When you’re in flow, you know deep in your soul you’re going down the right path. You aren’t trying, you aren’t desperate to get anywhere. When you experience flow, it seems like opportunities come at the right time in an almost premeditated way. 

Spiritual flow it’s a magical delightful place, it’s the present moment and that pure acceptance of reality, without any objections. You may even feel as if you are dancing with the universe and it’s dancing with you.

Having said that, there are times in life when we may lose our Flow. Times when we feel stuck. This is the perfect time to reexamine things and ask yourself:

  • If you feel like you going down the right path.
  • Is there anything that you’re hiding from.
  • If you are ignoring that inner being that has been trying to speak to you.

If this happens to you, consider it an invitation to inquire into the deepest parts of your soul. The Blessism for connecting with spiritual flow can also help you do just that,

Blessism for Connecting with Spiritual Flow       

I bless my ability to connect with the essence of my true spirit and my spiritual flow. I honor the spiritual realm and know it is opening and aligning me with new opportunities for growth. My spirit is awakening. I am connected with spirit every moment of every day. With this spiritual guidance, anything is possible at any time. My spiritual team is powerful beyond measure. As I connect with the flow of spirit I am aligned with my highest good. My mind and body are aligned with spiritual flow. I am a divine expression of spirit. The more I connect with spirit the richer my life becomes. I am in the flow of everything good in life. I am rising above a mundane consciousness and tapping into a new level of light and love. With each deep breath, I am transcending. I am transforming. I am re-aligning with spiritual flow, and I honor that ability.

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