Conscious Connections & Collaborations

Conscious Connections & Collaborations
Gratitude Project
Conscious Connections & Collaborations

Sep 01 2022 | 00:04:57

Episode 158 September 01, 2022 00:04:57

Show Notes

Sometimes it’s difficult to really connect with people. The internet is very impersonal. Social media is not any better. As a society, we’ve gotten out of the habit of consciously connecting with people. We’ve forgotten how valuable collaboration is.

Everyone you connect with and collaborate with can help you see things in a different light. They may point out things that you would never think of. This is like the beginner’s mind in meditation. You don’t know what you don’t know. If you assume you can learn from anyone and anything, and you collaborate and connect with an open heart and an open mind, you will start raising your consciousness, little by little and make the world a better, more loving place. 

That’s one of the reasons this Blessism is so awesome!

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