Discovering Your Heart's Desires

Discovering Your Heart's Desires
Gratitude Project
Discovering Your Heart's Desires

Oct 11 2022 | 00:06:08

Episode 192 October 11, 2022 00:06:08

Show Notes

What is your heart’s deepest desire? How can you nurture your heart’s desires more?

Our lives can get very complicated making it difficult for us to move and breathe. So many of us feel stuck in our circumstances, whether that means stuck in a situation, stuck in a relationship or stuck within a certain frame of mind. This can be so overwhelming that you end up not working on yourself or your goals at all because you have no idea where to start or what to do. If you try and work on too much at once, you become easily overwhelmed and fail.

To discover our heart’s desires, we have to develop the ability to hear and trust our hearts. We need to quiet our anxious minds, tune out the distractions of daily life, silence the clamoring voices of others. We have to make sacred space to listen to the longings, the callings, the singing of our hearts and souls.

So what are some other ways you can discover this? One way is by engaging in a daily mindfulness or meditation practice. Going within and quieting that self-talk is a beautiful way to connect within. Another way to discover your heart’s desires is to get really clear on what makes you thrive. In other words, ask yourself if your dreams and desires and goals are truly aligned with your passion and your soul? Do the things you engage in feed your soul or drain you? If you feel like you aren’t thriving in life, the Blessism for Nurturing and discovering your heart’s desires is a great one to practice.

Blessism for Nurturing and Discovering Your Heart's Desires 

I bless my ability to nurture and discover my heart’s greatest desires. I honor my heart’s ability to hold an open space for healing today. May the doorway to my heart and my greatest desires always remain open. May I hold a space for love to heal. I bless my capacity to trust I am in the right place at the right time. I bless my ability to create a sacred space to listen to the yearnings of my being. As I quiet my mind, and tune out the distractions, I awaken to my heart’s greatest desires more and more. I bless this process of discovery. This is my greatest gift. I bless my ability to open my heart and hold a space for my desires to flow in. I believe in myself and my dreams. I long to awaken, realize, discover, and know myself fully and completely. As I engage in this process, I am patient with myself. I allow my deepest emotions to come forth. I listen to my intuition. I allow my soul to speak. I am grateful for this ability, and I bless and nurture myself today and every day.


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