Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention
Gratitude Project
Divine Intervention

Nov 03 2022 | 00:05:50

Episode 218 November 03, 2022 00:05:50

Show Notes

Are you ready for a divine intervention? One of the biggest mistakes many of us make in life is trying to go it alone. We don’t ask for help. We believe that makes us stronger. Even the strongest and wisest person needs help on occasion. If you believe in a higher power, and in God, whatever that means for you, you know that help is available, all you need to do is ask. I like to think miracles happen every day. And a miracle doesn’t have to be something BIG. It may be something small. Let’s say you are worried about something, or someone. You can ask “spirit” for help by asking for a divine intervention 

You can ask for divine guidance as to how to proceed and move forward. You can be grateful for this loving connection and fully expect the problem to be transformed and resolved in the most loving way possible. If you are struggling with something, be brave and miracles will come forth. And if you can’t find the right words, the Blessism for a Divine Intervention is the perfect one to practice.

Blessism for a Divine Intervention 

I bless my ability to ask for a divine intervention for anything in my life that may be causing me emotional turmoil, or pain. I lovingly and kindly ask for the divine to intervene. I hereby invoke a divine intervention for the issue I am focused on or worried about today. I allow the divine to be inserted to break this chain of dysfunction and redirect the entire problem with new solutions. I thank you for this love you bring me and for the divine protection and energy. I am grateful for this new energy that is already flowing into my life and my being. I hereby allow the perfect divine plan to emerge, and I hold the door open for this miracle to flow in. I am open to new possibilities and heightened awareness. I lovingly ask for a divine sign to appear before me, so I know this beautiful process is working. I ask for divine guidance as to how to proceed and move forward. I thank you for this loving connection and fully expect the problem to be transformed and resolved in the most loving way possible with harm to none. Thank you for this divine intervention and all the wonderful surprises coming forth.

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