Flow Through Life

Flow Through Life
Gratitude Project
Flow Through Life

May 09 2022 | 00:03:07

Episode 27 May 09, 2022 00:03:07

Show Notes

Are You Feeling Stuck? Try the Blessism for Flow if You Are Feeling Stuck in Your Healing Journey.

Do you ever have days when you feel lazy, unmotivated, or stuck? Taking a moment to bless all parts of your being, even any imperfect parts that feel lazy, unmotivated, or stuck can help you move mountains! It’s normal and natural to feel frustrated or stuck in the midst of the healing and recovery process. If you find yourself in this position, there is something positive you can do to start feeling better. The Blessism for Flow is designed to help you do just that.

Blessism for Flow

I bless and am grateful for all the times in my life in which I felt stuck. What a beautiful lesson of patience. I can now see that feeling “stuck” offered me a wonderful opportunity to take a step back and take stock of where I was and where I wanted to go. I now know I am never stuck. Life is continually moving and pushing me in a new direction. Every day is a brand-new adventure in embracing change. Today I bless all parts of my divine being, even any imperfect parts that feel lazy, unmotivated, or stuck. Being uncomfortable helps me expand my thinking and discover new possibilities and new passions. Today I am opening up my energy to a whole new field of possibilities and turning my passion and purpose into a beautiful prosperous life! 

Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com for more information about our brand and our work! Leslie Riopel is a recognized psychology professor, healer, and mindfulness and meditation teacher who specializes in helping others who are on their own healing journey. Our program is co-produced by Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology, and Charles Betterton, MSCED, and presented by MindfullyBlessed.com and our non-profit, PlanetBlessed.org.

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