Freedom from Financial Worries

Freedom from Financial Worries
Gratitude Project
Freedom from Financial Worries

Jun 03 2022 | 00:06:24

Episode 98 June 03, 2022 00:06:24

Show Notes

What Does a Life Free of Financial Worries Feel Like? Find Out How With This Lovely Blessism! Many of us find it challenging, if not extremely difficult to imagine a life of complete financial freedom. Why is this such an elusive thing for so many of us? I really think we’re taught from an early age, that life is about the struggle. You need to work hard to achieve anything. Nothing comes for free. 

This mindset is reiterated again and again throughout our lives. Yes, it is necessary to put forth a certain amount of effort in order to achieve something, because we live in a monetarily based universe. However, it doesn’t always have to be so difficult. It’s really a mindset. Today’s Blessism is all about freedom from financial worries.

Blessism for Freedom From Financial Worries 

I bless my ability to be free from all financial worries. I bless my right to live in a world where I have an abundance of money, freedom from financial worries, and the joy of feeling successful in my chosen work or career. I am grateful for this financial freedom to live as I please, work as I please and share my wealth as I please. I bless everyone who wants to live in this manner. I am changing the way I think and feel about money. I can achieve this kind of financial freedom regardless of my present financial circumstances, background, education, or personal history. This is a new day. I have earned this right to live free from financial burdens. I bless any and all financial struggles or challenges I have been through. I have learned so much. I appreciate the valuable lesson. My net worth is growing exponentially. What a blessing this is! Thank you!  

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