Going from Mindfulness to Manifestation

Going from Mindfulness to Manifestation
Gratitude Project
Going from Mindfulness to Manifestation

Jul 22 2022 | 00:05:27

Episode 136 July 22, 2022 00:05:27

Show Notes

Supercharging the Law of Attraction!

Does this story sound familiar? You practice mindfulness. You meditate. You go within. You lovingly and joyful repeat affirmations and intentions. You’re doing that inner work and walking the walk but still struggling to overcome obstacles and make those much-needed changes.

In the end, simply taking the steps to manage your stress and anxiety may not be enough.

So, what’s next? What are you missing? What are you not doing?

The missing link is acknowledging and accepting the painful road you have traveled on and blessing your current circumstances. The more you practice mindfulness and the more you meditate, the more you will raise your vibration and as a result, come into a vibrational alignment with those things you want, need and desire.

Every Blessism invites miracles into your life and into the world – and not just into your world but into the whole universe. That is the power of Blessisms.

Today’s Blessism is for Going from Mindfulness to Manifestation.

 I bless my ability to go from mindfulness to manifestation and from stressful living to successful living. My greatest skills are identifying my desires and moving into alignment with them. I release all barriers, obstacles and mindsets that may be holding me back. I release all resistance. I bless my ability to totally let go and find ways in which to feel good now and to be happy now regardless of my circumstances. My ability to come into alignment with my wants, needs and desires is my sacred gift. When I focus on what I want to create, I bring it into my awareness. I act as if I have already achieved it and manifested it. I come into alignment with this vision. I see it forming all around me. I imagine all the amazing possibilities that could come from this one powerful intention and then I let it go. I release it in love. I bless my ability to make space for new things to come in and I expect the unexpected. That is my greatest gift and blessing.

Visit us at MindfullyBlessed.com or Gratitude365Life.com for more information about our brand and our work!



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