Release Financial Blocks

Release Financial Blocks
Gratitude Project
Release Financial Blocks

Jun 11 2022 | 00:03:53

Episode 122 June 11, 2022 00:03:53

Show Notes

Does Your Money Mindset Need a Boost? Release Financial Blocks with the Blessism for an Optimistic Money Mindset! How optimistic do you feel your money mindset is? Many people simply accept that life is a struggle. They really believe the world is out to get them. But what if it wasn’t? What if you could easily change your viewpoint on money? What if financial abundance was readily available? What if you woke up tomorrow, and all of a sudden had a financial windfall? It could happen. But it’s not going to happen if you remain pessimistic about your ability to attract more. Today’s Blessism is all about that Optimistic Money Mindset.  

Blessism for Optimistic Money Mindset

I am blessed and grateful for my ability to be optimistic, positive, and hopeful in all my financial affairs. I know that anything is possible at any time. I bless my optimistic money mindset. I know that when I change the way I think and feel about money, I change the way money works for me. My healthy relationship with money and finances is a blessing. Financial well-being is my divine right. I vow to release any and all limiting beliefs that may stand in the way of my greatest and highest good and my financial well-being. I release these blocks with love. I thank you for these powerful financial lessons. The truth is, I have enough and there is always enough. I am grateful for all that I have and all that I am continually receiving. I recognize the good in money. I acknowledge and recognize the power I have to align myself with the positive, hopeful healthy aspects of money. My optimistic money mindset and my gratitude is my ultimate blessing and for that I am eternally grateful! 

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