Taking a Quantum Leap Toward Success

Taking a Quantum Leap Toward Success
Gratitude Project
Taking a Quantum Leap Toward Success

Jan 03 2023 | 00:03:37

Episode 262 January 03, 2023 00:03:37

Show Notes

Are you ready to take a quantum leap to a better life! We've created a Blessism for just that. The real truth is that everything you have ever dreamt about already exists. Everything you want, need or desire is already yours at that quantum level. It is simply waiting for you to receive and allow it. It's time to take that quantum leap into an amazing new life and Blessisms are the perfect way to do just that! 

Blessism for Quantum Leap

I bless all the times in my life when I didn’t believe in myself. I send love to my sadness and kindness to my disappointments. They taught me humility. Today I express gratitude for all those things in my life that taught me to persevere and stay the course. I am ready to take that quantum leap in life. I now know that everything I have ever dreamt about already exists. Everything in the Universe is made of energy so everything I want, need or desire is already mine at that quantum level. It is simply waiting for me to receive and allow it. Today I receive! I allow! What a beautiful world! Today I am willing to soar toward my ultimate destiny.

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