Transform Your Pain Into Power

Transform Your Pain Into Power
Gratitude Project
Transform Your Pain Into Power

Jul 22 2022 | 00:04:09

Episode 139 July 22, 2022 00:04:09

Show Notes

Start the Journey Today with this Blessism!

One of the biggest challenges in life is learning how to transform your pain into power. Millions of books are written on it every year.

Everyone has an opinion or a program, and that’s all great. However, all change comes from within. YOU have to be the one that is ready for change. You have to be the one who recognizes that it is possible to transform your pain and walk through it.

Fear occupies the same space as faith. Like Eckhart Tolle once said, life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. You must be ready to take the journey to transform pain into power.

If you are going through a painful experience, this Blessism is a wonderful one to practice daily.

Blessism for Turning Pain into Power

I bless and honor my ability to turn pain into power and challenges into triumphs! Nothing is too big for me to overcome. I can choose to see things differently. I don’t have to allow negative situations or occurrences to dominate my life. My ability to transform and transmute negative situations and challenges is my greatest strength. Fear occupies the same space as faith. Today and every day I choose faith. The most authentic thing about me is my capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than my suffering. That is my ultimate gift and blessing. I will overcome. Like Eckhart Tolle once said, life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. I know any experiences I go through are always designed to help me rise up to that next level in life and for that I am grateful.

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