Turn Obstacles into Opportunities!

Turn Obstacles into Opportunities!
Gratitude Project
Turn Obstacles into Opportunities!

Jul 22 2022 | 00:03:44

Episode 138 July 22, 2022 00:03:44

Show Notes

Short on Opportunities? Try the BLESSism for Turning Obstacles into Amazing Opportunities!

Everyone has to deal with obstacles now and then. No one’s journey is without challenges.

But, in the words of Corey Booker, the right attitude can transform a barrier into a blessing, an obstacle into an opportunity or a stumbling block into a stepping stone!

What more could I ask for in life than to be given an impossible challenge?

Are you having issues with a challenge or roadblock in your life?

If so, the Blessism for Turning Obstacles into Amazing Opportunities may be the tonic you need!

I bless and praise my ability to turn obstacles and challenges into amazing opportunities for growth! I know that obstacles are simply opportunities in disguise. From now on, I see obstacles and challenges in a new light and as a source of inspiration and motivation. Obstacles are simply challenges for me to easily overcome. Problems are merely possibilities. From this moment forward, the obstacles and roadblocks in my path become my new path! This is my new superpower! I have the power to turn whatever happens to me to my own benefit. In the words of Cory Booker, the right attitude can transform a barrier into a blessing, an obstacle into an opportunity or a stumbling block into a

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