Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating
Gratitude Project
Intuitive Eating

May 24 2022 | 00:04:18

Episode 70 May 24, 2022 00:04:18

Show Notes

Are You Ready To Declare Peace With Food? Try this Blessim for Intuitive Eating & Ideal Body Weight.

Experts say intuitive eating is all about learning how to tap into your body’s natural ability to tell you when you’re hungry or satisfied. When you eat intuitively, you strive to focus on foods that work best for your overall physical and mental health. Intuitive eating is not a diet. It’s also not about eating whatever you want. It’s a process where you tune into your body and trust your body to guide you to the right foods for you. It's about choosing foods that make you feel good and selecting foods that offer your body the nutrition it needs to thrive. Eating intuitively is about choosing foods that will satisfy both your health needs and your taste buds and it’s all about moderation. The Blessism for Intuitive Eating and Ideal Body Weight is a wonderful one to practice to help you jump-start this process.

Blessism for Intuitive Eating and Ideal Body Weight 

I bless my innate intelligence and my SMART body for its intuitive ability. I know I am the expert when it comes to my body and its hunger signals. Today I am declaring peace with food. I vow to be free from chronic dieting and overeating. I bless my body’s ability to naturally gravitate towards that ideal weight that fits ME. I am unique so my ideal weight is unique. I know what my body needs for its ideal state of health and wellness. I am learning to listen to my body and my intuition when it comes to what foods are appropriate for my optimal health. I honor the food I put in my body and honor the energy this food brings. I bless my ability to eat in a healthy manner. From this moment on, I pay attention to what I eat. I ask my body and my innate intelligence and intuition for a yes or a no, when choosing healthy foods and I only eat only what my body needs for vibrant health. What a blessing this is! Thank you! I love you!  

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